Image: heterotopia, Anne Bean, 2021. Image courtesy of the artist.

For over fifty years, Anne Bean has presented work in numerous galleries and venues worldwide. Galleries in London that have shown her work include Tate, Hayward, Whitechapel, Serpentine, ICA and Royal Academy. She received several large-scale awards such as a British Council Creative Collaborations fund, activating international work with women from countries of conflict. She was artist in residence at many institutions including Franklin Furnace, New York and Whitechapel Gallery, London. Matt’s Gallery, London presented several solo shows of hers. In late 2022 she had a solo exhibition of herwork at Frieze Masters, London and an installation at Turner Contemporary, Margate and video work in Somerset House, as well as having work exhibited at Paris Photo. In a major monograph on her work, Self Etc., 2018, published by Intellect and LADA, Dominic Johnson wrote that Anne’s art ‘makes strange our sense of time, memory, language, thebody, and identity ...... along a vital continuum between art and life.’


Future Ritual: Land, Art, Faith, Performance CIC

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